Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Baseball Lesson

I heard a song the other day that I just had to share. It is several years older but a great song. It's called The Greatest by Kenny Rodgers. If you listen to the song he tells a story of a boy trying to hit a baseball. He tosses the ball up and swings and misses twice. On the third time he reminds himself that the game is on the line. The ball goes up and comes back down ... and that's strike three. The best part is how the boy reacts to strike three. Even if you have heard the song you should watch this video.


Isn't that a great story. Instead of being sad that he didn't hit the game winning home run, he looked at all the angles and realized that he just struck out the winning batter with his amazing pitching. You can always turn lemons into lemonade. I think too many times when things don't go the way we think they should, we automatically think it was a bad experience. There is good in every situation we just need to look for it.

Be a good finder.

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