Thursday, February 19, 2009


I want to talk a little about MonaVie. This company started 4 years ago in January of 2005. At the 3.5 year mark they hit 1 Billion is sales. At the 4 year mark (last month) they hit 1.5 Billion. Dallin Larsen the founder off MonaVie says, "There is no recession in MonaVie." I guess not because in the last 6-7 months they have had 1/2 Billion Dollars in sales. Wow! To celebrate they are waiving the registration fee for this month of February. I think they have broken every record in Network Marketing history. I know that they hit 1 Billion is sales faster than EBAY and I believe that they have done so this for many reasons, the right people, the right compensation plan, the right timing.

I want to talk about the compensation plan. They have what is called a new generation binary. It promotes teamwork. Working together with people to help other succeed. It is amazing. A binary means you only have two teams. So any person that you register has to go down line in one of two teams. Meaning, you could have people above you putting people below you. That makes it long term, by leveraging every ones efforts. Eventually you will have more people in your team that you didn't sponsor compared to the people you did sponsor. And the best part, all of that volume counts in your Team Commissions. I am going to put a link to MonaVie's compensation plan here.
To understand it better you can download the current compensation plan from that link.

Dallen Larsens said "I believe if people will do what others are unwilling to do for 2-3 years, they will receive benefits for many years, if not a lifetime to come." Ken Porter calls it permanent residual income. I call it the best thing for the average person. With MonaVie any one can become more Healthier and more Wealthier. Who couldn't use more of that?


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