Saturday, January 24, 2009


I would say that most everyone has heard it explained this way
but that has been around so long, that it really doesn't mean much to me. Then I heard it explained this way. Fear is just incorrect knowledge. That helped me understand better that if I am fearful of something, it really has nothing to do with danger. It can be learned. As a kid it was always scary to be in the basement after dark, scared of the boogieman. But as an adult I know there is no boogieman and so there is no fear. I learned the correct knowledge and overcame the fear. I believe as you pursue greatness you will always come across a new situation that will make you afraid. Just remember that all you are afraid of is not having the knowledge to complete whatever task is at hand. The best way to gain that knowledge is from a mentor (someone who has been there and done that) or from personal trial and error. Since learning the incorrect knowledge theory of fear I have also learned another that has helped conquer fear. That is the definition of Faith is believing in something unseen, and the definition of Fear is believing in something unseen. Notice there is no difference. Once you can get past your fears and move forward, life will never be the same.


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