Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Next Millionaires

I love this book. It is called The Next Millionaires by Paul Zane Pilser. A couple of days ago Orrin had a video clip of him on his website. You should check it out. The more I hear about how bad the economy is the more I refer to this book. He talks about the great things that are happening and are coming down the line in these next 8-10 years. I believe that he said in his book titled Unlimited Wealth, that when a new age takes over there will be a huge opportunity for wealth creation. But the media will just talk about jobs lost and doom and gloom. He says they are not jobs lost, but jobs shifting from an old age to a new age. We are in a new age. The information age is live and well. If you shift out of the industrial age and into the information age, there will be a lot of option for your financial future. I love how this applys to Mona Vie. This company is in all the areas of Pilsers book about who will prosper, and they are setting records. They has 1 Billion Dollars in sales in 3.5 years! The company has now been opened for only 4 years. The are leading the way into the new future and I am glad to be a part of it.


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